Hedgehog Lodge

902 221 4902
The Adoption Process
Whether you are interested in a quality bred baby or a rescue, the adoption process is the same.
There are 3 steps:
1. Read the important adoption information to the right of this paragraph.
2. Meet me in person. This is the most important part of the process. If you are adopting from a distance we can organize phone or Skype meetings.
3. Send a picture of your intended setup. Your setup must be approved before you bring your hedgehog home. Nothing is provided except the hedgehog and some food to transition them over to whichever brand you choose.
Adoption Information
1. Hedgehogs are not an easy beginner pet. That does not mean they are not suitable for a beginner but it does mean you will be challenged.
2. Have you interacted with a hedgehog before? If not, that's okay, I just want to know so we can plan for you to meet some of mine before you commit to make sure they are the right pet for you. Please inform me of this fact.
3. Hedgehogs require patient owners who are willing to wait for their trust before a friendship is established. Your hedgehog will not love you right away. You must be okay with that.
4. Hedgehog poop is not convenient little pellets. It is soft and smells unappealing. You will get pooped on and you will need to scrub your hedgehog's wheel out almost every morning. It is a disgusting job but it's part of hedgehog ownership. Are you willing to deal with this?
5. I do not condone the selling of my hedgehogs to outside parties if you are not able to take care of your hedgehog anymore. The hedgehog must be returned to Hedgehog Lodge and you will not get a refund. An animal is a commitment, not an "investment" and they are a financial sinkhole. You will not get any money back once you have paid your adoption fee. Do you understand this?
6. Hedgehogs are prickly. You will get prickled now and then. Being afraid of the prickles will not gain your hedgehog's trust - they need a confident owner.