Hedgehog Lodge

902 221 4902
All About Hoglets
There is one thing that's undeniable: Baby hedgehogs are adorable. But, like human babies, they tend to be a handful! They are eating/pooping machines, very active and they love to try to eat anything they can.
The biggest challenge with baby hedgehogs is quilling. Quilling is a process in which the hoglet sheds its baby quills and grow in their big kid quills! Unfortunately, this is not a fun process. It varies from hedgehog to hedgehog, as some will shed quills like they're going out of style and others will barely drop any. The main quilling period is at 3-5 months, but it can happen on and off until they're a year or so old. Quilling can cause your hedgehog to be irritable, stressed, tired and fussy. My best advice is, don't be discouraged. Stick with the handling and bonding, and once quilling is over, you will have a very friendly pet.
The nice thing about baby hedgehogs is that other than the hurdle of quilling, they are very easy to bond with. Many choose a baby hedgehog as their first hedgehog as rescues can be a challenge when it comes to socialization. Getting a well-bred baby can do wonders for health, hardiness and lifespan as well.