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Nutrition & Diet

  • Hedgehogs are inexpensive to feed, so a good quality diet should not be hard to maintain. 

  • My number one choice of commercially available food is Natural Choice. I use a weight loss formula for most non-breeding hedgehogs above the age of 1.

  • If you are choosing a different brand, ensure that it is grain free, high protein and low fat. 

  • Cheap cat foods such as Meow Mix, Purina or Fancy Feast are highly inappropriate and more costly as your hedgehog will eliminate more often and everywhere. 

  • A good quality cat food will reduce the need to eliminate constantly and will result in harder, firmer stools which is a lot easier to clean.

  • A good diet will lead to a healthier, happier hedgehog, elongate lifespan and keep stools to a minimum. Imagine if you lived off of French Fries - not good. 

  • It is great for hedgehogs to be offered a variety of supplements every now and then such as cooked and unseasoned meats, insects and various fruits and vegetables. 

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