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Hedgehogs are relatively easy to house, if their specific needs are kept in mind. The most important aspects of a hedgehog’s cage are as follows:


  • The cage must be kept warm enough – the African Pygmy Hedgehog originates from Africa and they are not used to cool temperatures. Their enclosure must be able to contain heat well enough for them to be comfortable. A hedgehog that is too cold will go into hibernation, which is not healthy for them and can lead to sickness and/or death. Most people use a CHE (ceramic heat emitter). They can be bought from most pet stores. Localized heating such heating pads and rocks are strongly discouraged as they don’t warm the air and can also cause bad burns to a hedgehog.


  • The enclosure must be escape-proof. If the cage has bars, it must have a lid. Hedgehogs may not look particularly arboreal but they are able to climb surprisingly well. If an open top enclosure is desired, the sides must be solid plastic so the hedgehog cannot get a grip to hoist himself up and climb out. Rubbermaid tote bins make great, inexpensive cages that are easy to clean, escape proof and easy to sterilize.


  • The following types of enclosures are generally not suitable: Wire bottom cages, aquariums or anything that opaque or smaller than 2 by 3 feet. To the right illustrates a couple of ideal enclosures.

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